Lighted Santa Painting
Did you know that you can create a beautiful lighted Santa painting in a few simple steps? Just follow these easy step by strep directions and in a few days you will have a custom creation to enjoy for years to come.
Materials Needed:
Artist Canvas ( I used a 16 x 20 )
Chalk or charcoal
Red Paint
Red Glitter
Glue or Mod Podge
Battery operated lights ( I used a set of 50 from Amazon)
Find a photo of Santa online or draw one freehand ( I found this photo online)
Print photo out making sure that it will cover your canvas - tape all pages together either on the front or back
Flip your picture over and make sure that you use chalk or charcoal on all the printed lines ( as seen here)
Flip your picture over to the front and place on top of your canvas - tape it down so it doesn't move. Trace all the lines using a pencil and medium pressure.
Carefully remove your picture and you will see your drawn lines on the canvas. Using your red paint start filling in all the spaces that should be red.
After letting the paint dry overnight use your scissors to punch tiny holes into the canvas where you want your lights to come thru. Start placing the lights thru the holes you just created.
Continue placing the lights until you get to the last one. Once all the lights have been pulled thru you can leave as is or paint the lights as well ( I thought that the white lights were too bright so I painted them red)
Once the paint on the lights is dry flip your project over and add a bit of hot glue so that the lights don't move. ( This is optional but I highly recommend it)
Now it is time to add the glitter....
Use your Mod Podge and go over all the red spaces with a liberal amount. Sprinkle glitter ( I used very fine glitter from Michaels). Let dry.
Once everything is dry you can cover the back of the canvas with material or paper, add a sawtooth hanger and enjoy.
Happy Creating !!